Custom Uncooled Infrared Imaging Cores

Customized for Form, Fit and Function

Customization of firmware, size, optics

Fully Calibrated with the Optics


LightPath, with its subsidiary Visimid Technologies provides uncooled infrared imaging cores, customized for your specific needs. Typical customizations includes designing of cores for specific form fit and function, such as for unique size constraints, and developing cores around sensors that currently are not provided as off the shelf imaging cores. 
Our customized cores are designed around existing sensors from multiple microbolometer manufacturers, using our own designed electronics and video processing engine. Customized cores are available with either our off the shelf optical assemblies, or with customized assemblies. All cores are fully calibrated for the exact functionality and optics.

Video Engine

The heart of our customized imaging core is our Pheonix video engine. Based on Xilinx FPGAs, the video engine includes all non uniformity correction functions, Automatic Gain Control (AGC), data formatting and more. The built in Non Uniformity Correction (NUC) allows saving multiple calibration tables, designed to work with different optics and filters. In addition to the standard video engine in our Pheonix core, a library of additional functionalities and processing features are available to integrate into the core. Additionally, our team can integrate customer designed functionality into our on board FPGA, providing customer specific functionalities.


  • Non Uniformity Calibration (NUC) and shutter control
  • Store multiple calibration tables
  • Image sizes up to 1920 x 1280
  • Frame rate up to 240 fps (for VGA sensor)
  • Digital output CameraLink or MIPI
  • 8 bit analog output NTSC\PAL, with AGC
  • Colorization with predefined or user defined color pallets
  • Internal or external synchronization
  • Peripherals control: Zoom control, shutter, motorized filters,
  • Optional integration of external data such as GPS, LRF, Lasers, Compass in meta data
  • Option for integration of customer provided code into the core, for customer specific functionality



Custom HD 1024 Themography Core

Custom LWIR VGA Core


Shutterless VGA core

Shutterless QCGA LWIR Imaging Core

VGA 17um LWIR Core


Jason Messerschmidt

Vice President Of Global Sales & Marketing